Halloween: another reason row houses are totally awesome

Halloween might be the holiday made best by walkable urban places.  Christmas and its caroling has its charms and may give All Hallows Eve a run for its money, but who can argue the awesomeness of trick-or-treating with a new door to knock on every 15-to-100 feet? I can't imagine being a kid in the exurbs.  Being driven around to each and every daily activity is bad enough, but imagine needing to be driven house to house for trick-or-treating? Fortunately, the town I grew up in was an inner ring suburb well built for halloween.  Even so, I've been blown away by the spooky atmosphere created in my Philadelphia neighborhood. People really go all out, and the proximity to the sidewalk of each Halloween-costumed house really heightens the experience.

Streetsblog makes the great point

of how ridiculous it is that in some places, kids need to be kept safe tonight by putting them in reflective vests, no doubt ruining some of the fun.

But I can't bear to dwell on such sadness now... for the time being, Happy Halloween to all, and enjoy some of of my favorite displays this year. And stay safe out there...